Blue Valentine (15)

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Blue Valentine
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I watched an Oscar screener copy of this film and am also going to see it in the cinema, just to support it. It was simply magnificent and should have been pumped into the same hype machine as Black Swan, or even the glorified miniseries The King's Speech. I would urge anyone in London to go out and see it during it's short time here.
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Reviewer minigok
when will this film be released in belfsat? and which cinema, really want to c it
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The views contained in these user reviews are not endorsed by ViewNewcastle in any way and are provided by users who wish to publish their independent views of the respective establishment.
01 The Campaign (tbc)

Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis

02 The Gangster Squad (tbc)

Ryan Gosling, Sean Penn, Emma Stone

03 All In Good Time (12A)

Reece Ritchie, Amara Karan, Harish Patel, Meera Sy...

04 Casa de Mi Padre (tbc)

Will Ferrell, Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna

05 Tortoise In Love (tbc)

Tom Mitchelson

Content updated: 12/05/2012 16:13